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Below I have some pictures and videos of pieces coming to be. Seeing the final piece is only one part of the story and I have been asked to record the process. So here I will capture how things come into being.

So how is it done? I start with a good drawing, a stack of magazines,

small scissors and Modge Podge. 

Magazines have infinite colors to choose from. I begin with a photo and make a pencil drawing. I then determine light and dark, choode my colors and proceed to lay down the paper as if I were painting. The smaller the papers the more detail I can achieve. 


Maddy and Charlie
So first the idea floats into my head. I grab a canvas and start making a mess. And then from that mess the image takes form. There is courage involved...I'm never sure if I can pull something out of nothing and there is nothing quiet as scary as a blank canvass. 
Slowly the image takes form and i begin to think about the colors and how nature works and how light and shadow gives form to things. In this piece I didn't have a phot but I was looking at a memory of a cool grassy hiding place, somewhere to escape to with a best friend. 
I've fallen into the trap of coloring things. I will have to start the process of reflecting one item off of another as light bounces around and creates a unified space.
White Azaleas
In this piece I am looking to capture a moment, when the light is magical and the cool shade of the azaleas in full bloom on a warm spring day makes a great place to hide.
With a few brush strokes I captured my older brother and I fear losing his likeness if I touch the painting. But I must go on. It's not done. 
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